Bienvenidos | Welcome --- VII Congreso RedEP


8th Circular: virtual participation reminder

Dear colleagues,
From the organization of the VII RedEP, we want to remember that we have at the disposal of those who wish, the registration in the non-presential modality, through videoconference.
All the information related to this type of inscription is here and the model for the summary as well as the rules of elaboration here. To formalize the process, you must only enter this link.

After an intense effort, we have been able to raise funds, to finance 20 virtual participations, 10 for Cuban researchers who are developing their activity in the Greater Antilles and 10 for the rest of the people that can not be physically in our event, of any Origin (above those of the American continent).

We hope that this news will be welcomed and we can count, even remotely, with your participation.


Best regards


Dr. Luis López Molina
Presidente RedEP (Red de Estudios Portuarios)
Universidad de Cádiz
Aulario Simón Bolívar. Despacho nº 4.
Avd. Duque de Nájera 16. C.P.: 11002 Cádiz – Spain
Tfno.: 0034 956 48 3404

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