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Elaboration standards

The abstract shall not exceed one page. The abstract templates can be downloaded by clicking on the links.

The final paper will be no longer than 15 pages. Any appendices and the bibliography must be included within this length:

  • The text must be written in “Times New Roman”: bold, 12 pt. in upper case for the title; 12 pt. for the main body; 10 pt. for the footnotes; 12 pt. for headings which should be in UPPER CASE and 12 pt. italic for subheadings.
  • Additional notes in the footer, with no spacing or indentation, and with sequential Arabicnumerals.
  • The footnotes numbering is created automatically from the menu option “Insert”, selecting “footnotes”. They can go before a full stop, semi-colon, colon or comma.
  • DO NOT use a header or footer; do not use tabs in the text, citations or notes. Write the cited paragraphs within the text using the same margin as the rest of the document. Do not leave any lines between paragraphs, within the paragraph text or in the notes.
  • The page numbers should be centered at the bottom of the page.
  • DO NOT use bold, underline or UPPER CASE to highlight ideas or words within the text or in the notes. In certain cases, this can be done with italics and/or quotation marks.
  • Use italics for foreign words and to cite titles within the main body.
  • When you use dashes to round off an idea in a sentence, do not put spaces between them and the text and use long dashes, for example, “because mystery −this surplus of truth− cannot fit in the human mind”. This dash can be found in “insert” symbol.
  • There should not be any space left between the opening and closing question and/or exclamation marks and the letter directly before or after, e.g., ¿Quedará su rumbo para toda la vida?
  • If you use your own acronyms or abbreviations, state them in the footnotes in note 1. If you use acronyms from other institutions, authors, collections, dictionaries or journals, state your sources for each at the end of the article.
  • In multi-volume works, common acronyms and abbreviations are used throughout, both in published and unpublished documents and from more quoted authors. Please use the universal acronyms from the cited documents.
  • When you cite documents, do not put n. between the acronym and number e.g., OT 4.
  • Citations within the footnotes should be written according to the following format: Name and Surname (small caps), Title (normal within quotation marks), in (Name of journal within quotation marks and in italics), number, city, publisher, pages.
  • If it exceeds 50 characters, it should be included in the main body or in an appendix at the end of the chapter or article.
  • If you add a bibliography on the subject, you must order it alphabetically and, in the case of two works by the same author, chronologically (from most recent to the oldest).
  • You must state, at the end, the date the drafting of the text was completed.
  • Text citations go between quotation marks (“ ”) in line with the text if they do not take up more than three lines. If they are longer, they should be set out in a separate paragraph, leaving three spaces in the first line. It should be written in 10 pt. body, with no quotation marks. When the citation is not text, always put cf. (always include the full stop).
  • For text citations already in-text within quotation marks (“ ”), use Latin quotation marks both for opening («) and closing (»). They can be written by selecting Alt+174 (opening) y Alt+175 (closing).
  • The different sections should be introduced with sequential Arabic numerals: 1.1/1.1.1 1.1.2


  • 1.1 Bibliographic references
    • A. Books

The bibliographic entry should be set out in the following manner: Author (in small caps, first name followed by surname); title (italics); edition, from the second onwards; issue or volume if the work is part of a larger collection; place, publisher (only the name, without adding “Publishers”) and year of publication.

    • B. Articles

Author (in small caps, first name followed by surname); article title (within quotation marks); title of journal or newspaper (in italics); volume number, year and other further divisions if necessary; place, publisher and year of publication, page number(s).
If you cite more than one work from the same author, maintain the first few words of the title in order to differentiate.
If there are two authors with the same surname, include the first name.
If the title is long, it can be abbreviated.

  • 1.2 Citations from documents
    • A. Unpublished

Type, author and intended recipient (if applicable), place and date; repository and catalogue number.

    • B. Published

Type, author and intended recipient (if applicable), place and date; author (in small caps); title (in italics); edition, from the second onward; issue or volume if more than one; place, publisher and year of publication; page number.

    • C. Second and subsequent citations in the same document

Put the author’s surnames and intended recipient and keep the full date; if the document is published, add the page.